Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Treatment

Our Occupational Therapist can assess and treat challenges in children and teens with the following:

  • Fine Motor Skills

    Use of hands for skilled tasks such as using utensils for eating, buttoning and zipping clothing, handwriting concerns, use of scissors, bilateral coordination (use of both hands together), crossing midline, and more.

  • Neuro-Motor Apraxia

    Brain-body disconnect, a person has difficulty following instructions or completing motor tasks due to a miscommunication between the central and peripheral nervous system. The person can often appear as if the don’t understand what is being said, but his is often not the case.

  • Gross Motor Skills

    Crawling, jumping, walking upstairs, use of active toys, observed clumsiness, frequent falls, balance, and more.

  • Reflex Integration

    There are times when childhood reflexes either fail to get integrated or return. This can look like a person that often loses their places when reading or looking at the board, extra hand/foot movements when straightening the torso, or just plain difficulty making progress with age appropriate motor skills despite typical interventions.

  • Sensory Integration

    this can look like a child that can’t stop moving, or a child who struggles to get movement started, challenges with food textures, clothing textures, difficulties with noise and light, constant challenges with bumping in to others and more.

  • Visual-Motor Integration

    even with perfect visual acuity, a person can experience difficulties with function due to deficits in visual perception such as challenges with spatial relationships, visual discrimination, figure-ground interpretation, lack of visual closure abilities, and decrease visual memory.

  • Pandas/Pans Related Motor Deficits and Accommodations

    Sensory and neuro-education techniques that can be helpful before, during, and after a flare. Fine motor skill and visual motor skill remediation and more. Management of fight or flight episodes and behaviors, OCD tendencies.

  • Social Emotional Regulation

    Using motivating systems that helps a person recognize emotions and what that looks/feels like for them, building a toolbox using preferred sensory tools to have the knowledge and skills to regulate to desired states. All emotions are part our human experience and regulation should always be up to each individual person.

  • Activities of Daily Living/Self-Help Skills

    Self-feeding, dressing, toileting(including potty training), sleeping, hygiene and grooming, showering. IADLS can include managing money, schedules and routines, cooking, executive functional skills and more.

  • IASO (Immature Adrenaline System Over-reaction)

    Identification, education, accommodations and appropriate referrals . This can look like severe behavior challenges into a state that looks like fight/flight/freeze behaviors, rage is often experienced. See our resource section for a helpful chart. Contact us more information.

    We do not turn clients down due to behavior rather we hope that you will consider us part of your team to help your child obtain skills needed to move forward and be successful at home, school and their community.

    We are proud to follow Dr. Ross Green’s principles of collaborative and proactive solutions to help families identity their child’s lagging skills and unmet needs that contribute to explosive or inflexible behavior in children.

    Many children are displaying neurological challenges such as fight/flight disorders (IASO) that are also contributing to challenging reactions to their everyday environment. We are here to help.

    Some of our clients experience challenges due to having a diagnosis such as Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, OCD. We can also see children without a formal diagnosis but who are experiencing challenges in school, home or community.

    We Strongly Support Those Who Point/Type/Spell to Communicate, RPM, and all AAC Users.